Monday, July 27, 2009

Be Strong To Be Useful

I ran across the title quote today while reading my husband's Men's Health. (It's interesting to read a variety of health and fitness magazines to learn different tips!)

This is a beautiful reminder of why I challenge myself to consistently lift weights, do the elliptical, and put myself through mental obstacles ... in order to make my body and mind stronger. I incorporate breath and sift through deep philosophical and religious literature to bring in the spirit.

Sometimes it is a breeze but most of the time it is easier just to find an excuse and flip on the t.v. But as my muscles grow stronger, I find the reward of my children's laughter as I'm strong enough to throw them in the air. As my core grows stronger, I reap the benefits of a strong back and the resulting increase in bending/lifting I can do without pain (therefore able to clean up more toys without losing it with the kids for having to do so). As my mind and spirit grow stronger, I'm able to realize my creative potential, to remember the countless sources of wisdom I've come across, and to feel the strength and beauty of life. All of this makes it that much more natural to jump on the elliptical next time and to keep the cycle going.

For now, I need my strength to change my daughter's diaper.

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