Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael J. Fox: Adventures of an Incurable Optimist

I'd viewed commercials for this program on TLC and immediately set the DVR to record it. We just got around to watching it this evening. Amazing program.

I'm sure it can be found somewhere online (Hulu, anyone?), but the program was a documentary about self-described eternal optimist, Michael J Fox, and his journeys around the world to explore optimism. While it was only an hour show, he was able to speak to everyone from a local man who passed out free newspapers with a smile and a kind, energetic word for everyone to those who live in Butan (between India & China), where the government focuses on GNH: Gross National Happiness.

During the segment on Butan, Michael mentioned that his symptoms (of Parkinsons) seem to be noticeably diminished. Though he acknowledged not knowing the cause, I find it amazing the connection between such a positive place and an increase in wellness.

I'm looking forward to researching more about the culture of Butan and the GNH. Watching Michael J Fox and his physical challenges alongside his "incurable optimism" is an inspiring spark in the gut.

Of note, they did mention in the program that optimism and pessimism are both needed (the optimist may charge into unknown territory but not notice the bear's footprints alongside the river...)

I'm curious - do you describe yourself as an optimist or a pessimist? Would you like to be more of the other?

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